Monday, October 14, 2013

Zombicide survivors: Some ladies

Here are some more survivors from my Zombicide game. Nothing much of note in the painting of these. The details continue to be tiny, but are still nicely defined making for an easy, if slow, painting experience. Just four more survivors to go, then begins the waiting game for the bonus survivors from the Kickstarter.

I used three different flesh recipes here; all were triads straight out of the pot. From left to right, I used Foundry Bay Brown, Flesh 5, and Spearshaft. I didn't mix intermediate colors or extra colors outside of those triads.

Speaking of which, I bought some new Foundry Flesh 5. My personal caucasian flesh recipe had five different colors, but I'm finding the straight Flesh 5a-b triad is plenty good without any additions. It's still my favorite flesh of any manufacturer.


  1. Great paint , like the colors skin

  2. Carmen - that is MAGNIFIQUE! they look so stunning! I highly adore your talented hands and your monthly output of figures!!
    Happy to see more of your oeuvre soon

  3. STOP

    Hammer Time!

    Great figures: the high points for me are the black pants, the vibrant purple, and the two different dark skin tones.
