Sunday, November 24, 2013

Black and white trial

I dug some minis out of the mountain to try out some black and white/grasycale painting. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, though, part of that was due to the tiny detail of the Mantic zombies coupled with my desire to hurry through the figures.

The zombie skin wasn't a problem; I just went pale and light, but the submachinegunner's skin didn't turn out as good as I would like. The face was already a touch flat (and he has a big chin), but also I couldn't remember right off what level of lightness I painted human skin. Somewhere I have some notes. Or maybe Vallejo's little how-to guide will give some advice?

I like the zombies; they look better in person than in the photo. They look good enough that I'm thinking about giving the zombies in my Zombicide game the B&W treatment. This would keep them differentiated from my colorful survivors, give them an actual finished paint job, and serve as a nod to the old 1978 Dawn of the Dead movie. Then I could go monochromatic green for the toxic zombies and brown for the berserkers. Still, I'm not sure if I'll do it - there are a hell of a lot of zombies in that game. Then again, I could just do some drybrushing/overbrushing....


  1. They looks great. Especially the zombies. I think doing the same with the zombicide figures is a good idea!

  2. Interesting choice ! and well done!
    I prefer zombies in photos than in real ...

  3. This black and white result is excellent , great work .
    Greetings .

  4. Excellent work. I have seen a couple of grey-scale projects over the years and always love them when executed well which this looks very much like it is; so well done. One of the greyscale projects I really like added a single flash of colour to each model, just on a single key part (like a bit of blood on a weapon etc):

    1. Those look fun! Thanks for sharing the link.

      I'm still leaning toward painting my Zombicide figures in grays. Some factors I need to consider, though....
