Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Black and White: Zombicide walkers

Here are few Zombicide walkers with the grayscale treatment. I like'em! They remind me of "Night of the Living Dead (from 1968.) And they're not difficult to do. It's mostly overbrushing with a little but of drybrushing, and then going in and picking out a few facial highlights. It's difficult to get any high-contrast with the clothing (I just need some discipline on my part.) But I prefer them to be more analogous anyway (to blend with the masses.)

So I'd like to do the remainder of them, but my only problem is I'm not sure how to store them (economically and without adding extra boxes.) For now, the unpainted figures are all in ziplock bags, but I don't want to bag up painted minis (even if they were this easy to do.)

I've seen the Battlefoam trays -- and the price is right -- but they don't look they'll hold all of my Season 2 zombies.
-- Speaking of which, I also decided (but haven't tried out yet) a way to do the toxic and berserker zombies: Monochromatic. Toxic zombies will be (a muted) green, of course, while the berserker zombies will get a nice earth tone of some sort. First thing's first, I need to look at all my storage options.


  1. Yeah properly good.

    I'd love to pick up this, but ive already got at least two mini based boardgames that are in the paint queue

  2. Your black and white article isn't available anymore (Link goes to an expire domain). Do you have a link of it or can you post it here?

    1. This link worked for me: http://www.scribd.com/doc/59305517/wpm-3
      If it doesn't work, I can email you the pdf directly- just drop me a message at evilcartoonist at yahoo.

  3. This lot look even better; well done.

    On storage, I think taking up space is inevitable, but KR multicases can be pretty good value.

  4. Very nice I love this colour scheme for zeds. Suits them really well.

  5. :-O oooohhhhhh!!!! I think this is a brilliant idea!!
    I love it... I have my own ideas for painting the zombies... but now I must consider this option.
    Great job!! Thank for sharing! :-)

  6. Great idea, I like hoe these turned out.



    I love it, i think its brilliant, and this is exactly what i want to do with my models. Many thanks for a genius idea.

  8. AMAZING! I love these, remind me of the night of the living dead and the walking dead. I WANT SOME!!!

    1. Night of the Living Dead was the very inspiration for this style.
