You'll find a little of everything here. Genres covered in this blog include (so far) prehistorics, fantasy, old west, swashbucklers, pulp, Blood Bowl, Ghostbusters, gladiators, nautical, science fiction and samurai in 6mm, 15mm, 28mm, 40mm, 42mm and 54mm sizes. You'll also find terrain, scenery, basing, gaming, modeling, tutorials, repaints, conversions, art and thoughts in general about the hobby.

Friday, February 15, 2013

10 days goes fast

Has it already been ten days since my last post?? (I don't know- is ten days a long time to go without blogging?)

Anyway, I've been busy at work this week- and took it easy last week to prepare for this week, so I hadn't been getting a lot of painting or converting done. I DO, however, have a few things on my table that I actually touched today -- some 15mm chariots for playing Charioteer, some Mice and Mystics figures that I'll be doing some minor conversions on, and an unfinished orc Dreadball team that I finally threw a little paint on. All that and I'm entertaining the possibility of purchasing yet more 42mm samurai figures (I have some ideas for a couple ninja conversions.)

So hang in there, and hopefully I'll get something cobbled together for your viewing pleasure. Maybe, if I have the energy, I'll throw together another samurai skirmish soon.

In the mean time, here's some new eye candy:

Silly ninjas, Ichi is blind so why are you wearing black?


  1. What kind of acrylic do you use ?

    1. I use mostly Wargames Foundry, some Privateer Press and a touch of Vallejo (mostly for red.)

  2. Mmmm rainbow candy canes. Wait, not the candy you were talking about? ;)

    Looking forward to the chariots, something about them seems very compeling.

  3. Thanks for the update and the eye candy. I see by doing a search that you are a photographer. I was going to ask because your figures, besides being well sculpted and beautifully painted, are photographed really well. I'll study your pictures more and try to glean what I should be doing from them.

  4. Lovely mini's and terrain, beautiful!

  5. Superb, as always.

    am i right in thinking that foundry paints are coat'darms? ie the old, old citadel manufacturer?

    1. I'm unsure. There are a lot of good colors in Foundry, but some are inconsistent- my base flesh and ducky flesh are all watery, as are a couple other random pots. But I've managed to work around the problems.

      When my Foundry Paints run out, I was thinking about trying Coat d'armes due to its connection with the old Citadels (though, I've heard the paints are not the same as Citadel's, only the company connection). I may try some CdA soon anyway since a couple of Foundry triads are getting low.
