You'll find a little of everything here. Genres covered in this blog include (so far) prehistorics, fantasy, old west, swashbucklers, pulp, Blood Bowl, Ghostbusters, gladiators, nautical, science fiction and samurai in 6mm, 15mm, 28mm, 40mm, 42mm and 54mm sizes. You'll also find terrain, scenery, basing, gaming, modeling, tutorials, repaints, conversions, art and thoughts in general about the hobby.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Painting rust- the quick and dirty

I had a car hood sitting around, so I just decided to throw together my rust tutorial off the cuff.
This rust technique isn't the best, but it works and it doesn't take a lot of time:


  1. Awesome sauce! I for one would definitely love to see tutorials from you. I imagined the technique when you described it but this video just totally gels it. Thanks.

  2. A touch of Bob Ross there. Simple and very effective. Great tutorial many thanks.
