You'll find a little of everything here. Genres covered in this blog include (so far) prehistorics, fantasy, old west, swashbucklers, pulp, Blood Bowl, Ghostbusters, gladiators, nautical, science fiction and samurai in 6mm, 15mm, 28mm, 40mm, 42mm and 54mm sizes. You'll also find terrain, scenery, basing, gaming, modeling, tutorials, repaints, conversions, art and thoughts in general about the hobby.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

54mm Prehistorics: Getting the point

In the game "Tusk," you kill a mammoth simply by scoring one hit; it's very beer-and-pretzels. To extend my games, I give each mammoth three or four hit points. It's easy enough to keep track of this using chits or scratching tallies on a slip of paper, but I wanted a more visual method to count hit points.

I started by cutting some spear-length sections of brass rod. Then they were primed and painted as spears -- except without spear points. Next, I drilled out some holes in my large vinyl mammoths. To ensure that I could easily find the holes as the game progressed, I marked them with a little blood (well, red paint.)

So, as each hit is scored, a spear is placed into a hole, showing a mammoth is wounded and by how much. Placing the spears repeatedly into the wound holes will eventually scrape the paint off one end of the spears; this is why I didn't bother painting the points.

The holes are small enough to not be noticed when you look at the unwounded mammoths.

Simple! Now, I need to find some more 54mm/1:32 prehistoric mammals to hunt.


  1. Brilliant! Nothing pleases me more than an aesthetic approach to marking a game action. Really cool, man!

  2. Excellent job and beautiful details...

  3. Consider that idea stolen, sounds workable for 28mm miniatures too ...

  4. Brilliant idea, and much easier on the eyes than a trail of blood drop markers, skulls, or the other sorts of chits that seem to accompany multiwound figures.

  5. I am always impressed how patiently you paint such wonderful miniatures - it looks so great!
