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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reaper Warlord minotaur

I FINALLY finished something. Took a few days of short sessions, but it's done except for flock and varnish). This is a Reaper Warlord Minotaur (No. 14007). My friend wanted the skin a reddish brown, though I fear it turned out more reddish than brownish.
I think it still works; a minotaur perhaps with a touch of demon in it?
Not a very difficult piece to paint, but it's easy to forget a few details here and there. Still, as large as it is, it leaves a lot of space for creative painting: Tattoos, weapon and/or armor conversion -- in fact, I forgot to mention, I added the shield (to be more of a minotaur-sized buckler than a regular shield.) But the left hand, which is capped by a spike, could easily have been converted to hold a second weapon, item or the head of an unfortunate enemy.

1 comment:

  1. Cool paintjob. I wouldn't want to meet this fella on a dark night!
