You'll find a little of everything here. Genres covered in this blog include (so far) prehistorics, fantasy, old west, swashbucklers, pulp, Blood Bowl, Ghostbusters, gladiators, nautical, science fiction and samurai in 6mm, 15mm, 28mm, 40mm, 42mm and 54mm sizes. You'll also find terrain, scenery, basing, gaming, modeling, tutorials, repaints, conversions, art and thoughts in general about the hobby.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Random Photos Post!

I usually don't go this long without a post, so for your enjoyment, here are a few random photos from my collection:

Random barbarians from various manufacturers.
Fairy Meat figures made using Rackham Fiannas and Reaper wings pack.

Random randoms (yep, twice.)

42mm samurai from Steve Barber, waking up to the morning sun.

Reaper Highlanders.


  1. Kool. Esp lovin' the highlanders.

    btw: not exactly on topic, but when I was handed the bag of cars after my grandmother died, I just had to.

  2. Great paint job. Your figurines are really cool. Barbarians look great :)

  3. Top painting! Can you tell me where you got the mushroom folk? They're great.

    1. Thanks!
      The mushroom folk are from Reaper:
