You'll find a little of everything here. Genres covered in this blog include (so far) prehistorics, fantasy, old west, swashbucklers, pulp, Blood Bowl, Ghostbusters, gladiators, nautical, science fiction and samurai in 6mm, 15mm, 28mm, 40mm, 42mm and 54mm sizes. You'll also find terrain, scenery, basing, gaming, modeling, tutorials, repaints, conversions, art and thoughts in general about the hobby.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Low Life: Cremefillian with dammit hammer

Here is my first painted Low Life miniature. This is a cremefillian with his flaming dammit hammer. The figure is made by Mutha Oith Creations, who also make the popular Low Life RPG for the Savage Worlds system.

I have a few more figures in this set to paint, and a lot more eventually coming, each figure more savagely unique than the last.

Still no new samurai yet; they probably got caught up in holiday mail. But the delay is giving me some time to think about conversion ideas.


  1. Nice paintjob I like this range a lot. Sadly they don't fall into the genres I game.

  2. Walloping Krong was the reason I spent the money on this line of miniatures. I'll probably never play the game, but I love the miniatures. I like what you did with him.
