You'll find a little of everything here. Genres covered in this blog include (so far) prehistorics, fantasy, old west, swashbucklers, pulp, Blood Bowl, Ghostbusters, gladiators, nautical, science fiction and samurai in 6mm, 15mm, 28mm, 40mm, 42mm and 54mm sizes. You'll also find terrain, scenery, basing, gaming, modeling, tutorials, repaints, conversions, art and thoughts in general about the hobby.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Random goods WIP

I had the spare bits sitting around, so while I await the arrival of the new samurai, I threw together some more random goods. I just wanted to show everybody a quick in-progress shot, so that you can get an idea of how everything is put together.
These are great for accenting terrain, providing objectives and serving as sections of barricade.


  1. You are very good at throwing stuff together. Thanks for the ideas.

  2. Great post.

    Like many modellers, I have a box (actually a very large box) of bits and pieces. I keep meaning to do something similar.


    I think your Samurai are looking great.

  3. Wow! These are really nice! I like that you included sacks of apples, veggies and what look like fish, rather than just the usual "generic barrels and bales". The big jars are a nice touch, they look very Asian somehow.

  4. Very nice!! Inspired work...
